Bioenergy Atlas for South Africa

Theme: Environment Date Added: 2018-11-20

What is it?

The Bioenergy Atlas for South Africa collects data related to bioenergy resources and energy sector infrastructure across South Africa.

Key Points

  • Location and estimated volume of available biomass
  • Location of electricity, gas & petroleum infrastructure
  • Processing facilities for bioenergy feedstocks
  • Most data available as SHP files

Why is it Important?

The Bioenergy Atlas consolidates a large amount of data related to the availability of bio resources and supporting infrastructure for bioenergy production, including processing facilities and electricity distribution infrastructure. This data can be used by national, provincial and local government for planning bioenergy (*and other* energy or electricity) programmes, as well as by industry and entrepreneurs seeking opportunities in this sector.

How can it be accessed and used?

Bioenergy data can be browsed through the map view on the Atlas. The data covers a number of categories ranging from biomass availability to infrastructure serving the energy sector.

Underlying data for each of the Atlas data sections can be accessed via SASDI through its search interface. In most cases the data can be downloaded as a zipped Shapefile (SHP) which you can convert to an open format using various online tools like mapshaper.

Medium Voltage Station per Mesozone

Location: South Africa
Format: SHP
Year: 2014Last Checked:None
Online: Access URL
File Names:
  • STATUS: Operational status of the substation
  • X/ Y: Longitude and latitude GPS coordinates of the substation
  • VOLTAGE: Substation transformer feeder voltage in kV

Availability of Excess Sugar Bagasse at Sugar Mills

Location: South Africa
Format: SHP
Year: 2013Last Checked:None
Online: Access URL
File Names:
  • Sugar_Mill: Name of sugar mill
  • X/ Y: Longitude and latitude GPS coordinates of the sugar mill
  • Bagasse_Pr: Bagasse Production, t/a
  • energy
  • agriculture
  • environment
  • planning

Resource contact name:Department of Science and Technology

Creation or start date:2018-11-20

Resource contact updated at:2018-12-14

Spatial coverage  South Africa

Where else has the resource been used?

Year Project Name::
2018 Reducing the costs of landscape restoration by using invasive alien plant biomass for bioenergy
2017 South Africa’s first biomass atlas plots SA's resources
2016 Current and future technical, economic and environmental feasibility of maize and wheat residues supply for biomass energy application: Illustrated for South Africa