Stats SA Economy and Employment Statistics

Theme: Economy Date Added: 2018-12-12

What is it?

Statistics South Africa (Stats SA) collects and publishes detailed data on economic activity and employment in the country, for different sectors and at a provincial (regional) level.

Key Points

  • GDP contributions by sector and province
  • Consumer (CPI)/ Producer Price Index (PPI)
  • Quarterly Employment Statistics (QES)
  • Financial statistics for provincial and municipal governments

Why is it Important?

Economic and employment data are critical for informing decisions made by a number of public and private sector institutions concerned with monetary and fiscal policies. These statistics also help potential investors and citizens understand the economic and labour context of different sectors and regions when making plans for their organisations or families.

How can it be accessed and used?

Gross Domestic Product (GDP)
GDP analysis is published quarterly in the P0441 report. Each release is accompanied by fact sheets and supporting data in an XLSX spreadsheet. Data tables provide different perspectives on GDP such as GDP by production, final consumption expenditure by households, gross fixed capital formation and compensation of employees.

Annually, Stats SA provides a breakdown of GDP contribution (or GDPR) by province. This is included as a separate XLSX file in the Q4 release for that year, such as for 2017 and 2016.

Employment and Labour
Quarterly employment statistics are published in report P0277. This covers changes in number of people employed in different sectors and monthly earnings. Also see the quarterly labour force survey P0211 report and data which can be accessed via Nesstar under the 'Household Surveys' section.

Consumer Price Index (CPI) and Producer Price Index (PPI)
Analysis related to CPI and PPI are published monthly in P0141 and P0142.1 reports respectively. For additional insights into consumer spending, the Living Conditions Survey P0310 has detailed information on household expenditure.

Manufacturing volumes
Manufacturing production and sales is an important indicator of economic performance and employment absorption and is published monthly in report P3041.2.

Financial performance of provinces and municipalities
Aggregate income and expenditure data is reported annually for provinces in P9121 and every quarter for municipalities in P9110.

Other important sources of data related to the economy include the South African Reserve Bank's Economic and Financial Data for South Africa, National Treasury's fiscal data for municipalities through Municipal Money and for provincial and national government through Vulekamali, and international sources such as UNCTAD's trade data. Stats SA also publishes ad-hoc XLSX files related to the economy in a special folder which may be useful.

Table 23: Gauteng – GDPR by activity

Location: Gauteng
Format: XLSX
Year: 2017Last Checked:None
Online: Access URL
File Names:
  • Industry: GDPR contribution by each industry in the province
  • Year: 2010-2016
  • Current prices: Rand million or percentage contribution

Table 1: Quarterly gross domestic product by industry at constant 2010 prices (R million)

Location: South Africa
Format: XLSX
Year: 2017Last Checked:None
Online: Access URL
File Names:
  • Industry: GDP contribution by each industry per year, per quarter
  • Year: 2005-2017
  • Quarter: Q1-4
  • statistics
  • research
  • finance
  • spending
  • budget
  • trade
  • manufacturing
  • employment
  • business

Resource contact name:Statistics South Africa: Economic Stats

Creation or start date:2018-12-12

Resource contact updated at:2018-12-14

Spatial coverage  South Africa

Where else has the resource been used?

Year Project Name::
2018 The recession ends as GDP climbs by 2,2%
2018 General government spending slows in 2016/17
2017 Doing more with less (data): complexities of resource flow analysis in the Gauteng City-Region